09. Coals from Newcastle

Something different again. This is a mix I made for a swap over on Waxidermy. Its mainly all Euro/UK stuff, from traditional folk through some electronic library weirdness, to jazz and prog then back again.

01 - Louis Killen - Farewell to the Monty
02 - Brigitte Grimstad - Marian
03 - The Sallyangie - Love in ice crystals
04 - Magman Carta - I am no more
05 - Gershon Kingsley - Scarborough fair
06 - Coda
07 - Steve Reich - Part III
08 - John Fiddy & Jim Harbourg - Hologram
09 - Dave Vorhaus - Aurora
10 - Moggi - Officina Stellare
11 - John Surman - Oh, dear
12 - The Battered Ornaments - Late Into the Night
13 - Kevin Ayers - Song For Insane Times
14 - Fred Weinberg - Electric-loo
15 - Theo Schumann Combo - Versuv
16 - Desmond Briscoe - A wish
17 - Gershon Kingsley - Hey, Hey
18 - Giampiero Boneschi - Water Sports
19 - White Noise - Love Without Sound
20 - John Baker - Muzak
21 - Trevor Duncan - Starscape
22 - Gerard Lenorman - Apocalypse
23 - Wolfram Brunke - Galaxy


sexy said...
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Marc.Dos said...




Eli Horwatt said...

I love this mix and can't find out where that Steve Reich track came from. Can you tell me??
